unlit candle

A candle for Myself

Apollo God of health, the sun, and happiness i ask for you love for your compassion for your sweet tender kiss upon my sickness i pray you are by my side through this journey i pray i give you the love you deserve.
Christianity unlit candle

A candle for Por

Yo enciendo esta vela para que el señor Alex Ramírez encuentre su camino y se marche y no nos traicione más que su corazón cambie para bien.
Spiritualism unlit candle

A candle for SantÍsima

Mi niña tu velita de hoy martes 17 de septiembre, Mi NiÑa En Ti Sigo Creyendo Y Confiando, Socorrenos Por Favor.
Hinduism unlit candle

A candle for My

Lord bless my child with good heath happiness and success. Please lord bless my child be positive and away from all negativity and evil friends and people. Lord Ganesha bless my child with safe day and with lots of positive knowledge understanding, good listening, comprehension and concentration effortlessly and best writing and speaking fluently with confidence looking at people. Please lord bless my child to calm, kind and polite. Lord keep my child away from frustration and anger. Please lord Ganesha bless my child to pass all his test and hurdles effortlessly and efficiently. Lord bless my child with good behavior and manners. Lord bless my child with lots of good luck and miracles to have all his wishes and heart desires fulfilled. Lord Ganesha bless my child to be independent and organized child. Lord bless my child to be away from all trouble and trouble markers friends and people. Lord bless my child to have lots of good friends and guru. Lord bless my child to be kind polite child and smiling with success and happiness. Lord keep my child away from all trouble and problems. Please lord bless my child with lots of positive thoughts and behavior. Lord keep my child focused and away from all distractions. Lord thank you bless my child and guide and protect my child.thank you lord Ganesha. Please help us with this journey this year. Bless him with lots of good friends.
maria_magdalene unlit candle

A candle for Aulis

Ayudanos y guianos para resolver su situacion de estress mental. Necesita un cambio positivo y urgente en su vida. Que brille por lo bueno en el, y no por lo negativo.amen. Tengo fe en ti Maria Magdalena.
Christianity unlit candle

A candle for Olga

Señor Jesús y virgencita les ruego del corazón que ayuden con la tarjeta cuenta rut de mi papá,que comienze a funcionar desde ahora,para poder transferirle,pagar y devolver dinero,es urgente por favor,se los ruego humildemente, ayuda, auxilio, señor mio, madre mía… amén y amén.
Gerbera unlit candle

A candle for Aposom emlekere

Szuletesnapja alkalmabol. Nyugodjon bekene, Szeretettel.
unlit candle

A candle for Edesapam emlekere

Edesapam ma harminc eve hogy orokre elmentel. Nyugodj bekebe. Soha el nem mulo szeretettel…lanyod.
Gerbera unlit candle

A candle for 9/11

In Remembrance of 9/11, and for all of those lives that perished on that fateful day. We pray, in peace, against terrorism, and terrorists around the world. Amen.
Christianity unlit candle

A candle for Usa

Thank you dear Lord for all your many blessings. Please bless and keep President Trump safe and may it be your will he will win this election so we can have You be the most important thing in our country and lives. Please heal and bless this country. 🙏🙏🙏””.
Christianity unlit candle

A candle for Bryan U

Senhor abre a parta de um trabalho para meu filho imediatamente. Ele está desesperado e eu não posso ver meu filho triste. Senhor eu imploro em nome do vosso filho Jesus Cristo abre a porta de um trabalho p meu filho Bryan.
Gerbera unlit candle

A candle for Scott Peterson

Another worker on 9/11.